Maddie Brown

Photo of Maddie Brown
New York
New York University
Popular U.S. Cities, Arts And Culture, Foodie Experiences
  • Maddie has lived in New York for over a decade and loves exploring the city's theatre scene.
  • Big Sur, California, and Barcelona, Spain, are a couple of her favorite travel destinations.
  • When traveling, she enjoys hiking and trying local cuisine.


Maddie joined the Static Media team in 2022 writing for Nicki Swift and then Daily Meal. Prior to her work on Islands, she wrote travel articles for Explore. She has been a professional writer for over seven years. She began her career as a journalist for Baeble Music, where she wrote about artists, albums, and concerts. She has also worked as a copywriter for SeedX, a digital marketing agency that was named to Forbes' 30 Under 30 Class of 2021.


Maddie graduated as a University Honors Scholar from New York University, where she obtained a bachelor's degree in theatre.

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Our editors consistently review and update articles to ensure they're providing current, relevant, and useful information. Complete information on our editorial process is available here.

Stories By Maddie Brown