Resort staff smiling

Be Wary Of Excessively Friendly All-Inclusive Staff. Here's Why

By Maddie Brown


If you're taking a load off at an all-inclusive resort, tread lightly with excessively friendly staff members who may be trying to upsell you things to earn a commission.
A vacation package often won't include everything at a resort, so employees are eager to sell guests services such as spa treatments, a la carte dining, and various excursions.
In January 2024, a woman's TikTok about her stay at a Sandals resort went viral. "You cannot take two steps without some member of staff trying to sell you something," she said.
What started as a friendly conversation with staff about their trip always turned into an upsell. The bombardment led the newlyweds to avoid the staff as much as possible.
There is a respectful way to decline an employee's offer. Aside from a polite "no thanks," tell them that you're on a careful budget but will reach out if you change your mind.