Rocks at California beach

Consider The Downsides Of California's Ocean Waters Before Visiting

By Leslie Veliz


California is renowned for its outstanding weather, but the ocean is always exceptionally chilly. Water temperatures throughout the year are typically in the 50s and 60s.
In comparison, Florida and Hawaii have warm year-round water temperatures in the 70s and 80s. The crisp seawater is a result of various different year-round winds.
Some beaches that have exceptionally frigid ocean water are Del Mar City Beach and Bodega Bay. In June 2022, the water in the latter spot was just 47.8 degrees Fahrenheit.
If you're visiting California soon and are planning to swim at the beach, bring a sweater and a change of clothes so you don't have to stay in a cold, wet bathing suit all day.
California's beaches are also very polluted. In 2023, Santa Monica Pier received an F grade from Heal the Bay, which said it had the most contaminated water out of 700 beaches.
The contamination is said to be caused by stormwater runoff and could potentially be harmful to beachgoers. Multiple other California beaches received bad grades from Heal the Bay.