Anthony Bourdain smiling

Find The Best Local Dining When Traveling With Anthony Bourdain's Tip

By Nicole Cord-Cruz


The late Anthony Bourdain has unparalleled expertise in recommending the best dining spots — especially local eateries. His number one tip is to hit local markets.
Bourdain loved exploring local markets to gain a deeper understanding of the local cuisine. "You get to see what people buy and really eat," he told Esquire.
If a market lacks traditional eateries, it can at least give you a frame of reference for what to look for when you eventually venture out on your own.
The chef also used the Internet to find leads on the best local cuisine. He and his team relied on local bloggers for insider tips on where to eat in a location.
Bourdain would also aggravate foodies online by pretending to recommend a basic restaurant in hopes that someone more knowledgeable would recommend a great local place instead.
Bourdain also urged people to try eateries where menus may be written exclusively in the local language or establishments with long queues of local patrons.