Pineapple on grey background

Pineapples Have A Risque Secret Meaning On Cruise Ships

By Mina Elwell


If you're on a cruise ship and spot a magnet or sticker of an upside-down pineapple on another passenger's cabin door, it may indicate that the people in that cabin are swingers.
Swingers are couples who want to meet new sexual partners. Interested couples may also show off pineapples in other places, like jewelry, clothing, or stickers on their cocktails.
According to a Reddit user who uses the signal, people rarely knock on cabin doors looking to party, but they're more likely to flirt with other couples in common areas like bars.
Within the swinger community, the pineapple symbol seems like more of an inside joke than a legitimate signal, but some swinger couples still frequently display them on cruises.
There are other reasons a person might have pineapples on their door, and ships may display them because they symbolize hospitality. When in doubt, you can always discreetly ask.