Flowers in front of Timberline Falls

The Best US National Parks To Escape The Summer Heat

By Sanjay Surana


Spread along the Atlantic coastline of Maine, Acadia National Park has a rugged, rocky shoreline with summer average temperatures that peak around the mid-70s.
Crater Lake
Crater Lake sits about 6,000 feet above sea level in Oregon, so it never gets super warm. In the height of summer, you can expect peak temperatures in the high 60s.
Denali spreads across 6 million acres of Alaska and is almost completely wild. In the summer, conditions remain cool, and temperatures range from the 30s up to the 70s.
This national park is an icy, snowy realm with glaciers galore and high-altitude lakes. The summer is brief; while days in the 90s happen, the 60s and 70s are more common.
Grand Teton
Snow is a near-constant at this Wyoming park. Tourists can marvel at clear, still lakes and wildlife with average temperatures in the high 70s and nights in the 30s.