a church in a city in Germany
This German City Is The Most Walkable In The World
By Leslie Veliz


In Europe, many of the major cities are walkable. According to a study conducted by The Burrow from Compare the Market, Munich, Germany, is the most walkable city in the world.
The capital of Bavaria is known for being home to Oktoberfest, a cultural celebration centered on beer. The city is the third most populous in Germany with 86% in car-free zones.
From Marienplatz, a historical town square, visitors can walk to attractions such as the Munich Residence, a palace from the 1300s, or Viktualienmarkt, a famed outdoor market.
Radius Tours offers a 2-hour walk of Old Town, where visitors will see these attractions and Englischer Garten, a striking park. The tour is well-rated on Tripadvisor.