In 2023, FINN, a car subscription service, crowned San Diego as having the worst parking availability in the country. The city received a 0.66 score out of 10.
Axios states that downtown San Diego features only 14% of parking. The local government reduced parking availability to combat climate change and promote walkable neighborhoods.
While New York City has one of the country’s best public transportation systems, in 2023, Harding Autopark Systems ranked it as one of the worst cities for parking.
There are several parking garages found throughout the city; however, guests can expect to pay over $20 for a few hours or up to $450 a month, according to Bloomberg.
Per the United States Census Bureau, San Francisco encompasses only 46 square miles for its 800 million population, which has led to limited parking availability.
Since the city has stringent street parking rules, high car break-in rates, and expensive valet services, visitors may want to use public transportation options instead.