Why You Should Skip This Beautiful Beach On Your Next Hawaii Trip
By Mina Elwell
At Oahu's beautiful Sandy Beach, swimmers and surfers are tossed around like children's bath toys by the waves, and it has earned the nickname "Broke Neck Beach."
Visitors can be seriously injured or even killed by the beach's shore breaks. In both 2016 and 2015, two swimmers were fully paralyzed after the powerful tide broke their necks.
Sandy Beach gained its reputation because the waves come close to shore, catching beachgoers in the shallows. You can be picked up and thrown back into the sand.
It's unsafe to go into the water at Sandy Beach, but if you have significant experience and are determined to try, check with one of the lifeguards to see the current conditions.
It would also be best to make your visit an adults-only trip. Lifeguard Kayla Kapuamohalanalani Chang says, "For the safety of your kids, take them to another beach."