This Tip Will Help Take The Stress Out Of Packing For Your Honeymoon

One detail often overlooked in wedding planning is the surprising number of bags involved. After all, there's the bridal bag, a treasure trove for essentials like lipstick, tissues, mints, and perfume. If you don't have a gift attendant, a secure money bag becomes crucial for storing cards, checks, cash gifts, and other congratulatory tokens. Of course, there are also personal bags for the couple, packed with attire, toiletries, and ceremony essentials. And the one other bag that's needed but often forgotten? The honeymoon bag.


Your honeymoon is one of the only trips in your life that you likely won't ever forget, so it's essential to come well-prepared. But in the whirlwind of last-minute dress fittings and seating chart scrambles, packing for it can slip right through the cracks. The next thing you know, the festivities are over, and you're racing against time to catch your flight for a nine-day trip to paradise. So, before the chaos starts, it's best to have your honeymoon bag prepped and ready to go.

You can probably get away with last-minute packing for any other vacation, but it's best not to do that for your honeymoon, where the only thing you need to be stressed about is finding the best spot on the beach. That said, advance packing is the best way to go. You'll thank yourself later, ideally when you're lounging under the palm trees with your fourth margarita in hand.


Make a list, check it twice

Now, when it comes to packing for your honeymoon, the process isn't so different from packing for any other trip. But to make it less stressful and more streamlined, you may want to start with a checklist. When starting, jot down every item you envision needing, then meticulously curate your suitcase's contents afterward. Just be sure you're not bringing anything that won't see the light of day.


Jessie Ladipo, owner and chief travel designer of a luxury travel boutique, recommends conducting a thorough assessment of your items before making space for them. "Before you pack that fancy cocktail dress and Jimmy Choos, please stop and think about why you are taking it," she told Brides. "Is there a specific occasion? Is it comfortable? Can you walk long distances in those shoes? When in doubt, leave it at home."

Meanwhile, TikTok user @travelwithsamantharae, a seasoned honeymoon travel agent, shared a video of some commonly overlooked honeymoon essentials. These include spare copies of important documents, an extra outfit in your carry-on, appropriate chargers and converters, stain remover pens, and contraceptives. You know, just to be safe. Oh, and while you might think it's a good idea to bring your fancy engagement ring with you, consider the risks. Unless you want a Kim Kardashian situation and accidentally lose a piece of multi-thousand dollar jewelry in the middle of the ocean, it might be safer to leave it at home.

