How Long Should Your Honeymoon Last?

Ah, yes, the honeymoon — the inaugural adventure with your spouse as a newly minted union. It's the sweet period where you bask in the glow of marital bliss, celebrating the beginning of your lifelong journey. It also makes for the perfect excuse to indulge in the dream vacation you've always talked about, not to mention a chance to unwind after the whirlwind of wedding planning. But while diving deep into the nitty gritty of this vacation is exciting, there's a crucial decision you must first make: the length of your getaway. Here's a spoiler: There's no one-size-fits-all answer. The ideal duration of your honeymoon hinges on various factors, chief among them is your budget.


But if you want an idea as a jumpstart to your planning, personal finance website CreditDonkey notes that the average honeymoon period is roughly eight days, with couples extending it further to take into account travel time, especially if they're jetting off to a far-flung destination. This is the case in the U.S. and Canada, at least, where paid time off (PTO) is scarce. Per The Honeymoon Guide, couples in Europe and Australia usually get to enjoy honeymoons lasting around 14 days.

Obviously, these averages are just guidelines, not hard and fast rules. Remember, your honeymoon experience is uniquely yours, and to determine its length, it's advised you take into account things like money, availability, chosen destination, and the time of year.


Inside planning the ideal honeymoon

Navigating honeymoon planning can almost be as complicated as orchestrating a wedding. But travel advisor Tracy Effron offers golden advice via The Week for couples looking to simplify the process: "[Be] realistic about the budget." According to her, understanding your financial boundaries is crucial for narrowing down your options and ensuring your funds are allocated wisely. What's more, it would be best if you also lay out your priorities from the get-go. "Is it accommodations or experiences? Sometimes, it's a combination of both," she said. Knowing where you're willing to invest makes choosing your destination and duration much clearer. 


For those with a generous budget, travel agents Christina Papavlasopoulos and Nektaria Panagiotari told Business Insider that a dreamy seven-day honeymoon in Paris could range from $3,000 to $10,000, already taking into consideration some shopping, a comfortable hotel stay, and dining. "If you factor in food and drink costs, shopping, and tours or activities, it would be safe to budget around $500 to $700 a day to enjoy yourselves," they explained.

Then again, just because you have money to blow doesn't necessarily mean you'll get to tick everything off your wishlist, especially if you can only allocate a week on the honeymoon. Effron points out that for an ambitious itinerary covering destinations like Italy's Amalfi Coast, a minimum of two weeks is advisable. "You don't want to make the whole trip trains, planes and automobiles," she told The Week.


You can also opt for a minimoon instead

Just like there are microweddings, there are also minimoons, which, as you can tell by the name, are technically honeymoons but in shorter bursts. It's perfect for those navigating budget constraints, tight schedules, or both. Minimoons still allow for the chance to connect and celebrate without the stress of extensive planning, hefty expenses, or burning through your PTO.


"To maximize the short amount of time you have for a minimoon, I recommend choosing a closer destination, within four hours of driving or two hours of flight time," Sara Margulis, CEO of gift registry site Honeyfund, told Brides. "A four-day weekend is doable for most couples who can't take a week or more off for the big trip [right away]." Like honeymoons, minimoons are also quite flexible, so you have free rein to tailor yours according to your interests. Whether it's exploring the great outdoors at a national park, soaking up the sun at a beach, or even just going on a staycation at a hotel, the choice is yours. 

Ultimately, it's important to keep in mind that the honeymoon (or minimoon) is just the beginning of your adventure together. If your ideal vacation isn't feasible now, there's a whole lifetime ahead to save up and go for the getaway of your dreams.

