Discover Hawaii
9 must-do activities while visiting the amazing islands of Hawaii.

The staggering view isn't just for sunrise anymore. Great hikes start here, both into the crater and on the outer slopes. Local secret: Don't miss sunset. It's less crowded, and warmer.
Return to Main Page | Lori Barbely

A wonder of the natural world, approachable volcanism (note the couple on the cliff) may be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Unless you come back next year — it'll probably be erupting then too.
Return to Main Page | Greg Vaughn

Real hula will move you. Check out Blaine Kia's group to see hula performed by children raised with the values — honor, beauty, love of nature — that inspire the dance.
Return to Main Page | Lori Barbely

In contrast, Kauai hasn't erupted in 4 million years (give or take). That's why it's the lushest Hawaiian island. A flight over Kauai gets you places none but the most intrepid hikers ever get to see.
Return to Main Page | Lori Barbely

The rim of an ancient volcano, this sliver of island off Maui draws divers with its calm waters and abundant marine life. But just flying over it puts a smile on your face.
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Hawaii attracts top chefs from around the world and keeps the ones born here. The mix of local and international flavors makes what you eat here as delicious as what you see.
Return to Main Page | Lori Barbely