Paul Gauguin Cruise: What We'll Do
Typical Day in Paradise
Come up on deck early to shoot island sunrises. Or sleep in (it's your vacation). Before exploring, Jon and Lori will share their favorite techniques when shooting stories for Islands. Then you can take those tips to the beaches, rainforest, iconic Polynesian sites, even underwater. We'll be there to help you make visual (and frame-worthy) memories.

What We'll Shoot
- Landscapes: These Tahitian mountains and forests have been the focal points of the most incredible images ever seen in the 32-year history of Islands. See how we turn a beautiful scene (the one you're standing in) into a phenomenal image.
- Portraits: Nothing says more about a place than its people. That's why portraits are essential to Islands feature stories. And this Polynesian culture is hard to top when it comes to photogenic people, when the shots are done right. And besides, the simple act of meeting locals can be the highlight of a trip.
- Beaches: Why do pictures of gorgeous beaches rarely look the way you remember those same beaches in real life? Jon and Lori have some easy tips to solve the problem. Best part is, you can use them on the spot.
- Underwater: For those who have waterproof cameras, Jon can show you how he shoots fish and rays and coral as if they're in an aquarium. For those who don't have waterproof gear, enjoy the snorkeling.
Want to join us? Book now.
