Combine Caribbean Beaches With Costa Rica's Nature, Introducing Red Frog Beach

For addicted travelers that search out places off the beaten path – this new Caribbean island resort may be different than any place you have been.

Here's why: the island is located 30 miles from Costa Rica off the Caribbean coast of Panama; and because of the geographic location, the diversity of landscapes is something to experience: the hidden Caribbean beaches are rated as some of the best, the tropical forest and National Marine Park in Bocas del Toro is world renowned, the rare wildlife is so peculiar (i.e. yes there are little red frogs ), the mangrove eco-system is breathtaking and the towering 11,000 foot mountains that rise from the ocean in the distance are indescribable.

See the photos.

A big part of the appeal of this place is that Red Frog Beach Island Resort is not a tourist trap. In fact, it doesn't really feel like a resort at all. You get around by water-taxi in a 68-island archipelago that Columbus discovered in AD 1502. Some people call it the Venice of the Caribbean but to serial travelers that appreciate things that are different –this place is an ecological wonder. On the island you get around through a Nature Preserve by golf cart and the resort offers dozens of unique tours to exotic places all over the archipelago.

Guests stay in upscale private homes with pools that hover around hidden beaches with beautiful seascapes. On a given day a guest can see monkeys, sloths, tour underground caves or sample native chocolate at local botanical gardens. There is even a 2-hour Canopy tour at the top of the island built high into the towering trees.

If you like retail and commercialized locations this place is NOT for you. But if you are looking for something different, off the beaten path, this island resort should be your next island getaway.

Watch video here.

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