Mezcal On Easter? These Cocktails Give Your Holiday A Tropical Touch

While everyone else is hunting for eggs, we’ve already discovered the perfect drink recipes.

When you think of Easter, you probably aren't staring at the bar cart and wondering which spirits to break out for the festivities. That is, unless you're the ladies that replaced Easter eggs with wine bottles. But for this specific holiday weekend, we already love delicious, over-the-top meals and sweet, colorful desserts and treats, so why not extend that same creativity to your cocktail selection?

I know, the idea of Easter cocktails sounds a little strange, especially when the focus of these recipes is mezcal—not exactly the literal holiday spirit. But just trust us when we say that these drink recipes, courtesy of the mad scientists at El Silencio, will likely become your new springtime favorites.

The Golden Egg


  • 8 oz cacao nib infused Mezcal El Silencio Espadin
  • 8 oz Tequila Dahlia Cristalino
  • 6 oz Lime Juice
  • 8 oz cream soda reduction
  • 16 oz chamomile tea
  • 8 oz whole milk
  • 8 Dashes AZ Bitters Lab Mas Mole

How to Make It:

Infuse Mezcal El Silencio with cacao nibs and let sit for 24 hours.

For the cream soda reduction: Reduce 2 cups of cream soda (Stewart's Cream Soda recommended) down to one cup. Add 3/4 cup of sugar, stir until dissolved. Let cool.

Mix together the infused mezcal El Silencio Espadin, lime juice, bitters, cream soda reduction, and chamomile tea. In a separate container pour in 8 oz of milk. Slowly pour these cocktail ingredients into the container with the milk. Refrigerate overnight for best results.

Double strain with a jelly strainer and cheese cloth to make six cocktails.

The Dark Rabbit


  • 2 oz Mezcal El Silencio Espadin
  • 0.5 oz agave
  • 0.5 oz lime juice
  • 1 oz celery juice
  • 1 oz carrot juice
  • Lime
  • Black lava salt

How to Make It:

Rim a rocks glass with black lava salt and fill with crushed ice, then set it aside. Combine the Silencio, agave, lime juice, celery juice, and carrot juice in a shaker tin filled with ice. Shake vigorously for 30 seconds. Strain into the prepared rocks glass. Garnish with a lime wheel.
