Best Mosquito Nets For 2022
Mosquitos are an equal opportunity pest. These nets will help.
Mosquitos don't care if you are young or old, fishing or hiking, picnicking, or lounging in the backyard, mosquitos can find a way to spoil any event. These annoying pests have been bothering the world as far back as the Triassic Period, 400 million years ago, and they haven't let up since. So we have devised a number of ways to thwart their onslaught. Here are several mosquito nets we recommend to keep those pesky bugs at bay.

This extra-large net has you covered no matter where you are. Mosquitos only need about two tablespoons of water for effective breeding grounds, so they're found in a wide assortment of places. Not only does it keep out mosquitos, flies, and wasps, the extra-fine fabric protects from troublesome "no-see-ems," taking the guesswork out of knowing which pests you might be up against. You'll never regret having its protection surrounding you and your space.
Buy: MEKKAPRO Ultra Large Mosquito Net with Carry Bag

This non-toxic and durable net protects the littlest ones in your life. With the host of viruses that mosquitoes can carry, all parents can agree that protection for babies and toddlers is of paramount importance. The universal fit of this net makes it a must-have, as it can easily transfer from car seat to stroller to playpen to cradle, keeping your precious ones safe all along the way. Toddlers tend to get things dirty, but this machine washable net easily cleans in a snap so you can reuse it again and again.
Buy: Enovoe Mosquito Net for Stroller

The double zipper door design of this net makes getting in and out easy-breezy. Patio umbrellas are a must for keeping rain and sun from rendering outdoor tables essentially useless. But what about those "unwanted guests?" This mesh is universally sized and fits virtually any umbrella on the market. The weighted bottom design keeps the screen in place, so light winds won't be another nuisance to manage. Enjoy lounging on the beach, by the lake, or just in your own backyard while this net keeps you pest-free.
Buy: 7.5-11ft Black Patio Umbrella Mosquito Netting, with Double Zipper Door

No hats off to these mesh face nettings that offer on-the-go protection from "no-see-ems."Like mosquitos, not all outdoor activities are a stationery pursuit. You shouldn't be prey for insects while hiking, fishing, running, or gardening, and these head meshes are the ultimate solution for mosquito season. Serious outdoors people will definitely want to keep one of these in their backpack. Plus, the free storage bag keeps your net from getting damaged or ripped.
Buy: Anvin Mosquito Head Mesh Nets

Providing multiple applications and protection from all manner of pests, this garden netting helps make a bountiful harvest. Go past an orchard at certain times of the year and you might notice eerie, ghost-like shrouds covering the trees. Despite their macabre appearance, these nets can be essential protection against unwanted bugs and birds for vegetation. Quality construction ensures it's durable and not easily torn. And the high visibility allows for an easy view of your plant's progress. Love your garden and protect your plants from bugs with these functional and effective nets.
Buy: Zonon Bug Insect Mosquito Fly Bird Net
Mary O'Connell is a contributing writer to Islands, an award-winning brand founded in 1980 that speaks to international travelers who have an affinity for the Caribbean and beyond. The website showcases destinations, resorts, cruises, and recommendations by the Islands' staff. Mary is particularly drawn to Cuba and Puerto Rico for their stunning beaches and vibrant, diverse art communities.