Three Items Every Aspiring Travel Photographer Should Have
Looking to evolve your eye for amazing scenery and perfect family photos? Here are some items to start with.
Part of the reason to travel is to experience places you wouldn't have otherwise, and good photography can help you bring those places back with you. It also serves as a better souvenir than whatever the gift shop is selling. If you want something better than a smartphone snapshot, though, you need the right gear.

Buy the right camera for you. There are two basic types to consider: Fixed-lens cameras, which will be easier to use, but won't give you quite as much control, while DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) cameras will let you change out lenses. If you're very new, a good fixed lens with a long zoom will be a good place to start, but if you're more familiar with photography, consider the DSLR and a few starter lenses.

Invest in camera support, like a tripod or monopod. While you should practice shooting holding the camera, having a support available to take your time and frame a shot exactly the way you want it can be invaluable when you're developing your eye as a photographer. Get support with quick-release functions so you can quickly take your camera off the tripod as well, and leave it on the camera to more quickly set up.

A good case can also help. Look for something that can take a beating, such as nylon, and that resists water, dust, and other hazards that can ruin your gear. It should also be comfortable and easy to carry for long journeys, alongside your other stuff. Finally, space matters; get a bag that will let fit everything you need, from lenses to support, to take a great photo.