Tattoo | A Permanent Souvenir

Shot glasses break and sarongs wear out, but a tattoo is forever. At Polynesian resorts such as the [Intercontinental Resort and Spa Moorea](Shot glasses break and sarongs wear out, but a tattoo is forever. At Polynesian resorts such as the Intercontinental Resort and Spa Moorea, you can immortalize your jaunt to the South Pacific with a traditional Tahitian tattoo, etched with combs ART made from bone, shell Tahiti orshark'steeth.The modern word tattoo comes from the Polynesian word ta (strike) and the Tahitian word tatau (to mark something). It also echoes the "tat tat" sound of the ancient technique, in which a tattoo artist taps the comb's 20 or so needles onto the skin, inserting black ink into the punctures. You can choose vibrant symbols from the sea — like a dolphin, which represents wisdom — to honor the legend of Tohu, the Tahitian god of tattoo. Or choose symbols that flaunt your wealth, rank and gene- alogy, just as the Polynesians did in ancient times. Whether it's your own rite of passage or simply a symbol of beauty and strength, this souvenir will last a lifetime., you can immortalize your jaunt to the South Pacific with a traditional Tahitian tattoo, etched with combs ART made from bone, shell Tahiti orshark'steeth. The modern word tattoo comes from the Polynesian word ta (strike) and the Tahitian word tatau (to mark something). It also echoes the "tat tat" sound of the ancient technique, in which a tattoo artist taps the comb's 20 or so needles onto the skin, inserting black ink into the punctures. You can choose vibrant symbols from the sea — like a dolphin, which represents wisdom — to honor the legend of Tohu, the Tahitian god of tattoo. Or choose symbols that flaunt your wealth, rank and genealogy, just as the Polynesians did in ancient times. Whether it's your own rite of passage or simply a symbol of beauty and strength, this souvenir will last a lifetime.
