The Willy-T Finds A New Home In The British Virgin Islands

After 28 years in The Bight at Norman Island, the iconic party boat is being forced to relocate.

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The William Thornton Floating Bar & Restaurant, commonly referred to as the Willy-T is one of the most iconic bars in the British Virgin Islands. Best known for slinging shots served on a waterski, and passing out pirate-themed temporary tattoos (bar-goers find them in, ahem, interesting places after a long night of drinking), the floating bar was anchored at a mooring ball in the Bight at Norman Island from 1989 until September 2017, when it was destroyed during Hurricane Irma.


After the storm, Willy-T owner, Ewan Anderson, spent more than $500K purchasing and retrofitting a new boat, which made a much anticipated arrival in the BVI on May 10. The following day, Anderson was called to a meeting with the BVI's Junior Minister of Tourism, who reportedly told him the Willy-T was no longer welcome in the Bight at Norman. It's rumored the bar was pushed out of its longtime home in favor of a new development coming to Norman Island that doesn't want the notoriously raucous party barge in the Bight.

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For the latest on the Willy-T's grand re-opening in Great Harbour on Peter Island follow their Facebook page.

