The Key Reason Our Travel Agent Says You Need One For A Destination Wedding

The mere thought of planning a wedding from scratch can easily send any couple into a tailspin. From drafting a realistic budget for a destination wedding to playing Tetris with seating arrangements, there are far too many nuts and bolts involved. And pitching a wedding at a destination hundreds or thousands of miles away from home? That comes with its own brand of logistical concerns. Before you find yourself ripping out fistfuls of hair from planning-induced stress, consider enlisting the help of a travel agent.


A travel advisor isn't just there to dole out advice; they can do much of the legwork involved in putting together a memorable destination wedding, says Victoria Fricke, a veteran travel agent and owner of Vic's Vacations. In an exclusive interview with Islands, she said an agent can help you plan the wedding of your dreams and guarantee an enjoyable experience for each guest. Remember, not every attendee is a seasoned traveler, but with the help of an agent, even your aunt, who hasn't stepped foot out of her hometown, will have the time of her life.

"The hard part of planning a wedding is truly ensuring your resort matches the expectations of not only the couple but all their friends and family," Fricke explained. "It's imperative that the resort not only matches the wish list the couple has for their big day but also will give the guests the dream vacation they've paid for to come see you say 'I do.'"


A travel agent can help streamline the wedding process

Some couples, especially those with an extensive travel history, may underestimate the steps involved in planning a destination wedding. But Victoria Fricke told Islands that the process presents a unique challenge. Even falling down the rabbit hole of Pinterest and YouTube videos barely scratches the surface. "They don't give you the whole picture when planning your wedding," she said.


A travel advisor plays a big part in smoothing out the complexities, especially when it comes to the hardest part of the whole thing: guest management. They can create a comprehensive, centralized hub for attendees that summarizes everything guests need to know about your wedding. "When it comes to making planning go smoother, a huge component is ensuring all details are in one place for guests to easily access," Fricke noted. "We provide all of our couples with a wedding website and landing page to store all details that guests need to book, but also we provide individual itineraries with all components, from travel reservation, transfer details, and flight itineraries, to streamline the travel experience along with notes and reminders that our couples want relayed to their guests."


Travel agents can function as the middleman, too, sparing couples the ordeal of fielding endless questions from their guests. From assisting them with booking flights to breaking down travel requirements, agents can serve as helpful guides. "When things aren't broken down black and white for guests, the couples get questions and headaches," Fricke continued. "The whole goal of a destination wedding is to avoid the stress and planning that comes with planning a wedding ... so let's leave the questions at bay."

They also help minimize financial risks

In their excitement of planning their destination wedding, couples often start with ambitious expectations, particularly regarding their guest list and budget. Victoria Fricke told Islands that couples tend to miscalculate both the number of attendees willing to travel and the amount they can shell out. But a travel advisor well-versed in destination weddings can nip potential financial problems in the bud, preventing the couple from making commitments they're unable to meet down the line.


"Without that support, a couple could go into a contract for a room block that is larger and more expensive than their guests are willing to commit to. This could mean tens of thousands of dollars in unsold inventory that could become a major financial risk," she warned, adding that agents also help in taking the guesswork out of making sense of contracts, attrition dates, penalties, and other intimidating aspects.

Ultimately, Fricke wants couples to realize that they stand to lose a lot of money in the planning process, but a reputable travel agent can help them from making costly mistakes. "At the end of the day, a destination wedding is more than a date, dress, and an invitation. It's contracts worth sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars in hotel room inventory, its dozens of people to coordinate to another country, and it's a lot of unknowns," she said. "Working with a travel agent is the biggest piece of advice I could give to someone thinking of having a destination wedding." You can learn more about the benefits of using a travel agent for your wedding on Fricke's Instagram page. 

