Jen Mallia

Photo of Jen Mallia
Edmonton, AB, Canada
University Of Alberta
Travel Tips & Tricks, Family Travel For Couples, Teens, And Kids, Hotels, Lodgings, & Accommodations
  • Jen is a member of the Society of American Travel Writers and the Travel Media Association of Canada.
  • Through her travels, she has stayed at not one but two hotels with a robot concierge and has eaten cheese fondue in the Swiss Alps with a World Champion skier.
  • She has also done yoga with goats, on a paddleboard, in a snowbank, and in the desert (but not all at the same time).


Jen Mallia is a Canadian writer who has worked in travel media for nearly twenty years. Her writing has appeared in The Guardian, InStyle, Fodor's, Hotel Addict, and many more. She is a former editor for CAA Magazines and Family Fun Canada.


Jen graduated with honors from the University of Alberta with a degree in English.

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Stories By Jen Mallia